Remember, don't try to cash in on me, or I'll dismiss you. 记住,别想占我的便宜,否则我就开除你。
Celebs soon learn they can cash in on their wedding by signing contracts with magazines worth millions of dollars. 很快,名人们就知道如何利用婚礼来赚钱了&他们可以和杂志社签署价值数百万美元的合同。
Companies cash in on the cuteness of babies. 公司纷纷用可爱婴孩来吸引财富。
But some performers have been left angry by the decision of their colleagues to cash in on the ceremony. 但有些演出人员却为他们同事利用开幕式获利的行为感到愤怒。
The rise of mobile computing is fostering a fresh round of tech start-ups around the world, turning cities such as New York, Tel Aviv and Berlin into magnets for entrepreneurs hoping to cash in on the boom in smartphones and tablets. 移动计算的兴起在世界各地催生了一批新的技术初创公司,企业家纷纷涌向纽约、特拉维夫和柏林等城市,希望利用智能手机和平板电脑的繁荣赚钱。
The Senate health care bill aims to cash in on their conceit. 参议院卫生保健法案旨在利用他们的自负。
Let your darling cash in on a massage or breakfast in bed. 给你的达令一个兑换券来兑换一条信息或是床上早餐。
But she acknowledges that big brands are lining up to cash in on her popularity. 但她也承认,知名品牌正排队等着兑现她的受欢迎程度。
Manufacturers of rainwear were not slow to cash in on the prediction of a wet summer. 雨具制造商们不失时机地利用对多雨的夏季的预测来赚钱。
Shopkeepers are hoping to cash in on the biggest shopping season worldwide. 店家希望能在这个全球最大的购物季节大赚一笔。
Let's cash in on the fine weather and go out. 我们趁天气好出去玩玩吧。
You shouldn't try to cash in on the fact that he likes you. 你不该因为他喜欢你,就想要利用这点。
Asian companies are rushing to cash in on the confluence of cheap credit and booming markets by issuing record levels of convertible bonds. 面对低廉的信贷成本和蓬勃发展的市场,亚洲企业正纷纷抓住这一有利时机发行可转换债券,推动亚洲可转债发行量达到创纪录水平。
They tried to cash in on people's fears by selling them burglar alarms. 他们想利用人们的恐惧心理把防盗警铃实给他们。
They just cannot cash in on their opponent 'lack of form. 他们就是不能利用对手缺乏良好的竞技状态。
Time is Money – Cash in on a1% increase to attack and casting speed. 时间就是金钱:增加1%的攻击和施法速度。
Local firms have been quick off the mark to cash in on the oil boom. 地方商行不失时机地利用油价暴涨大赚其钱。
Some have offered special roaming packages, but others have preferred to cash in on high charges. 一些公司提供特别漫游套餐,但另一些公司仍倾向于利用高收费赚钱。
Certain big oil companies attempted to cash in on the energy crisis. 某些大石油公司企图从能源危机中捞到好处。
More and more people wanted to cash in on Van Gogh. 越来越多的人想利用梵高发财。
Let's cash in on this fine weather and go into the country for the day. 让我们趁这大好天气到乡下去玩吧。
DCS manufacturers can also look to cash in on the capacity expansion drives in the power industries in India and China. DCS系统制造商也可以期望乘机利用印度和中国电力产能扩张带来的机会。
Traders and analysts believe China is preparing to cash in on its paper gains soon. 交易员和分析师们相信,中国准备在不久后兑现其账面利润。
Chinese companies are rushing to sell shares and cash in on superlative valuations. 中国企业争相发行股票,从股市的过高估值中获利。
Many West End stores have appointed assistants who speak Mandarin to help cash in on the massive new market. 许多伦敦西区的商店雇佣会说普通话的店员以赢得中国人的大市场。
He hopes to cash in on the industry trend towards consolidation with "clients wanting to do more with fewer clients". 他希望通过以下的行业趋势赚钱:与“希望和更少的客户一起做更多事情的客户”进行整合。
Since they can cash in on their experience on the open market, employees are the main beneficiaries of their development, so it's reasonable to ask them to contribute. 既然员工能在开放市场中靠其经验赚钱,那么他们是培训的主要受益者,所以要求他们为培训计划买单是合理的。
If you come across a wayward chunk of moon, don't try to cash in on it. 如果你遇到一大块形状不规则的月球岩石,不要企图拿它卖钱。
The physical market lacked activity, but some speculators could be tempted to cash in on gold's gains. 现金市场缺少活动,但是一些投机有可能会被诱惑提现黄金套利。
The old girls plan to cash in on us. 那个老姑娘想乘机利用我们。